Train for the Battle

Good wind the last days for training!

shov-it spock
shov-it spock

The last three days it was very windy in northern Germany and I had good sessions at lake Ratzeburg and yesterday in Großenbrode.


After 3 weeks stand-by period from the GFB(German Freestyle Battle) no windy weekend allowed us to start the competition. Now we give the wind one more chance and extended the period for 1 week more (28.+29.5.11). Just right now the wind looks great for the upcoming weekend and we're stoked to compete the first Battle of the year! ;)

When you want to know whats up at the first Battle on the island Norderney - then check our Live Ticker on GFB Twitter Account or the GFB Facebook Fanpage ! ;)

Stay tuned

German Freestyle Battle - Live Ticker

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