Since I've been back from Fuerteventura I managed to get some new projects to work with.
After my successful video about my friend Julian Wiemar, which also awarded by continentseven as "one of the best freestyle clips in July 2015" I decided to produce a new bigger film "Screeny" about some of the best freestyle windsurfers in Northern Germany. We already had some nice shooting days at the Northsea and Baltic Sea. The video will release end of this year. Featuring Jeremy Plüss, Adi Beholz, Mathias Genkel and more...
The upcoming weeks I will train and shoot for the video in Germany before heading to the 2016 Gun Sails photoshooting. I will not participate at the last PWA Worldcup on Sylt, better to concentrate for the season next year. Maybe I'll compete at the EFPT in Holland beginning of October.
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